The trusted professionals behind our GIS professionals in Africa, our GIS Department basically helps other companies and government entities to develop and implement GIS strategies, tools, systems and applications. Accordingly, our services were purposefully designed to help them achieve three key outcomes:
i. Get custom-developed, fit-for-purpose applications (desktop, web, or mobile) to efficiently capture, process and analyse geospatial data
ii. Develop the necessary policies and strategies to run an in-house GIS unit cost-effectively and efficiently
iii Leverage leading-edge global technology, local technical support and hands-on skills transfer for optimal productivity
As an added bonus, we are long-standing certified business partners of Esri and Leica Geosystems. Meaning we are not only able to offer best-in-class GIS precision equipment, software and technology, but we can also train our customers on how to use it, right through from beginner to advanced level.
Our customers can also integrate the services of any of our other business units; Development Planning, Geomatics or our NTG Solutions Academy, to supplement or expand their own core GIS value proposition.
The main problem we solve
We leverage world-class tools, technology, local support and hands-on skills transfer to provide geospatial solutions for the different industry sectors and government.
Our services
Development of GIS desktop, mobile and web applications
Research and develop custom, fit-for-purpose applications (desktop, mobile and web), that is fully on par with the highest international standards.
Revenue enhancement
Improve cash flow substantially by enhancing revenue processes and systems, lowering costs, and eliminating efficiencies.
Data collection and analysis
Collect and analyse data cost-effectively and efficiently, to gain actionable insights that will help improve business processes and increase profits.
Data processing and digitization
Seamlessly fix any data on any system that is incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, incorrectly formatted, duplicated, or irrelevant.
GIS strategy development
Plan the resources (hardware, software, data, people and processes) needed to successfully establish a GIS unit or function in line with the business’ goals.
Enterprise GIS solutions
Facilitate the efficient storing, sharing and disseminating of geospatial information products (data, maps, apps) among various GIS users in the organisation.
Esri ArcGIS supply, installation, support, maintenance and training
Supply, install and maintain Esri ArcGIS software and hardware to supplement GIS functions and provide certified training on the use of the software, from beginner to advanced level.
Remote sensing data analysis
Enable the remote collection of physical data from objects on the earth through the use of detection devices; satellites and aircrafts such as drones, all within the legal and regulatory parameters.
Customised GIS training
Design and facilitate bespoke GIS training to meet the particular needs and objectives of any organisation or group of professionals.
The people we serve
Government and and state-owned enterprises
Any local, district, regional or national government entity or state-owned enterprises that use spatial data and information.
Private enterprises
Any private entity that uses or has a need for spatial data such as transportation companies, construction companies, security companies, mining companies, banks and civil engineering consultancies.

Flagship projects
NTG Solutions was commissioned for the design and development of custom mobile GIS- and web-based applications to support the Stats SA Census data collection activities in all provinces.
Stats SA was able to deliver customised digital data collection forms to 300 000 fieldworkers and supervisors across the country. The intuitive dashboards that formed part of the applications made it possible for provincial managers to monitor the data submitted by fieldworkers, in real time. The work that formed part of the project could be effortlessly allocated and disseminated through web-based tools that are aligned to departments enumeration standards.
NTG Solutions was deployed by SALGA to develop technical guidelines and implement a Road Asset Management System (RAMS) to assist 10 pre-identified municipalities in better understanding and managing their road infrastructure.
Comprehensive and up-to-date roads asset management guidelines and the development of a Roads Asset Management System for 10 local municipalities which enabled the municipalities to better understand and prioritize their roads- and related asset data.
NTG Solutions was appointed by Thaba Chweu Local Municipality to design and develop a web-based system to enable their officials to capture and update IDP (“Integrated Development Plan”) project generation information.
NTG Solutions provided the local municipality with its first centralised electronic GIS-IDP tool through which their officials can now capture any comments and project-related information and systematically gather inputs from all the relevant internal stakeholders.